The MMTSB Tool Set or any part of it is freely available from the MMTSB web site ( for academic research purposes only. Interested industrial users please contact Dr. Charles Brooks for information on commercial licenses. The MMTSB Tool Set may be used as is or modified or extended in any way. However, it may not be transfered or redistributed as a whole, in part, or in any modified form to users outside the immediate work group.
By downloading the MMTSB Tool Set package users implicitly agree to the license terms given here.

Registration with a valid name, address, and email address is required for download of the MMTSB Tool Set. All user information is kept solely for administrative purposes.

Any publications that employed some part of the MMTSB Tool Set are required to acknowledge its use by the following citation:
Michael Feig, John Karanicolas, Charles L. Brooks, III: MMTSB Tool Set (2001), MMTSB NIH Research Resource, The Scripps Research Institute