The MMTSB Tool Set consists of Perl5 packages, Perl5 programs that use the packages and provide user interfaces, as well as some C, C++, and FORTRAN programs for more compute-intensive functions.

For installation of the Tool Set perl version 5.004 or newer and C, C++, and Fortran compilers are required. Gnu compilers can be downloaded for most platforms if necessary. Binary packages with precompiled executables are not available at this time.

The Tool Set is intended to be installed as a complete distribution package. Single components usually depend on other components in the Tool Set and may not be functional if separated from the distribution.

The distribution package contains a slightly modified version of the MONSSTER program. It will not work with the original MONSSTER distribution. CHARMM is not included in the package and has to be obtained separately. CHARMM version c28a4 or c28b1 or newer is required to work with the Tool Set. Older versions will not be able to communicate with the perl utilities. Without CHARMM the functionality of the Tool Set is limited for the most part to lattice-based low-resolution modeling.

Disk space and memory requirements are relatively moderate. 50 MB disk space (excluding CHARMM) are sufficient and most applications need less than 100 MB memory. Parallel architectures are supported by some components.