Normal Mode Flexible Fitting
NMFF is an evolving package of programs and methods that enable the flexible multi-resolution fitting of
large atomically detailed structures into electron density maps from cryoEM, tomography and related lower
resolution methods.The theory and methods behind NMFF are described in the papers referenced below and are based on
searching along a few lowest frequency normal mode vectors, constructed from a multi-resolution elastic network representation
of the atomic structure of interest, to maximize the correlation between the computed electron density for the flexible model and
the experimental density.
NMFF is available for download to researchers at academic and non-profit instutions free of charge. You can
download a copy the NMFF source suite by completing the licensing agreement.
If you are from a commercial enterprise, if you experience problems
downloading and accessing NMFF, or if you are interested in interacting with us on
problems you think NMFF will be useful, please feel free to contact
NMFF has been installed and tested on a vireity of machines including Intel/Linux, Apple/OS X and SGI/MIPS. Instructions
for installing NMFF can be found here.
NMFF Tutorials
NMFF tutorials illustrate the use of NMFF