This tutorial will illustrate how to setup and run a simulation of
phospholamban in a heterogeneous dielectric environment as a model
of a phospholipid bilayer.
Phospholamban is a membrane-bound peptide involved in cardiac muscle
function. It regulates a calcium pump by switching between two
conformations upon phosphorylation. Phospholamban consists of two
helices, a shorter cytoplasmic one from 1-12 and
a longer transmembrane helix from 20-52. The helices are connected
with a flexible loop that contains the phosphorylizable residues
SER16 and THR17. Experimentally observed conformations of phospholamban
are roughly L-shaped with the cytoplasmic helix oriented along
the membrane surface. The inhibitory conformation is believed to
be fully extended with the short helix pointing away from the membrane.
1. Initial System Setup
Experimental conformations of phospholamban from NMR spectroscopy
are available under the PDB code
1N7L. Obtain/copy the PDB file
and extract the first model: -model 1 1N7L.pdb > 1n7l.model1.pdb
The heterogeneous dielectric membrane model that we will use
for simulating phospholamban assumes that the membrane extends
in the x-y direction, with z being the direction normal to the
membrane. As you can check for yourself with VMD, the NMR structures
are oriented differently with y being the direction normal to the
membrane. Therefore, we need to reorient the initial model.
First, let's determine the center of mass of the transmembrane helix: -nsel 20-52 1n7l.model1.pdb |
We can use the output from this command to translate the model so
that the center of mass of the transmembrane helix coincides with
the origin: -translate ` -nsel 20-52 1n7l.model1.pdb | \ | awk '{print -$1,-$2,-$3}'` \
1n7l.model1.pdb > 1n7l.model1.centered.pdb
By using the back quote we are using the output from one command as
the input for another. If this looks too complicated, it is of course
possible to do this in a manual fashion by providing the (negative)
output of the first command as input to the second.
Next, we will rotate the molecule so that the transmembrane helix is
aligned with the z-axis instead of the y-axis: -rotatex 270 1n7l.model1.centered.pdb > \
2. Generation of Effective Dielectric Profile
In order to use the heterogeneous dielectric GBMV method (HDGB) we need to
provide an effective dielectric profile. The effective dielectric
profile is obtained from solving the Poisson equation for a spherical
probe in a layered dielectric system as a function of z.
A CHARMM script
hdgb_geneps.inp is available to calculate
the effective dielectric function. It has the following input
parameters (to be changed at the top of the script):
size of the probe radius (siz) | 2 Å should be used |
epsilon in the interior (ep1) | 1-3 are reasonable values |
epsilon in the interface (ep2) | 2-20 are reasonable values |
epsilon in the head group/solvent region (ep3) | should be 80 |
extent of the interior region (z1) | 5-15 |
extent of the interface region (z2) | 10-20 |
Good values for a DPPC phospholipid bilayer are:
ep1=2, ep2=7, ep3=80, z1=10, z2=15
Run the script to generate the profile with:
$CHARMMEXEC < hdgb_geneps.inp > charmm.log
The result is an output file
eps.dat that will be
used as input to HDGB. Because many PB calculations are needed to
calculate the profile, this script takes a while to complete.
This output file needs to be slightly modified before it can
be used with HDGB (the first line should contain the number of data lines and δz:
echo `wc -l eps.dat | awk '{print $1}'` `awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' eps.dat` \
> eps_inp.dat
cat eps.dat >> eps_inp.dat
3. Minimize and Simulate Phospholamban with HDGB Model
We will begin with a short minimization of the phospholamban
model: -par gb,hdgbprofile=eps_inp.dat,gbmvacorr=3,gbmva1=0.3255 \
-par gbmva3=1.085,gbmva4=-0.14,gbmva5=-0.15,gbmvsa=0.015 \
-par gbmvaextra="ZS 0.5 ZM 9.2 ZT 25 ST0 0.32" \
-par nocut,minsteps=100 \
-log min.log -cmd hdgb.cmd 1n7l.model1.oriented.pdb \
> plb.min.pdb
The HDGB method requires a few additional options with parameters as described in the HDGB papers.
While the dielectric profile is taken from the
eps_inp.dat input file, the profile of
the non-polar interactions (modeled as gamma*SASA) is determined by the parameters
ZS 0.5 ZM 9.2 ZT 25 that
describe a double-switching function. These values are tuned for DPPC. For phospholipid
bilayers with longer or shorter lipid tails, these values should be adjusted. In particular,
ZM and ZT should be increased or decreased according to difference in width of the lipid tail region
compared to DPPC. The overall magnitude of the non-polar contribution to the solvation
free energy is determined by the parameter
gbmvsa. This value should correspond
to the desired value of gamma in bulk water.
Take a look at the file
hdgb.cmd which contains the corresponding input to the CHARMM
We are now ready to run a short molecular dynamics run: -par gb,hdgbprofile=eps_inp.dat,gbmvacorr=3,gbmva1=0.3255 \
-par gbmva3=1.085,gbmva4=-0.14,gbmva5=-0.15,gbmvsa=0.015 \
-par gbmvaextra="ZS 0.5 ZM 9.2 ZT 25 ST0 0.32"\
-par nocut,dynsteps=2500,dyntemp=300,lang,langfbeta=5 \
-log md1.log -trajout md1.dcd plb.min.pdb
In addition to the HDGB parameters used in the minimization this command will also turn on Langevin
friction with a friction constant of 5/ps.
Repeat the protocol above to run a second simulation with a different profile for a phospholipid
bilayer where the lipid tail region is 1 Å wider and the dielectric layers have values of
1.5, 4, and 80, respectively.
4. Analysis of bending angle
The resulting trajectory can be analyzed with Particularly interesting
for the biological function of phospholamban is the bending angle between the two helices. This
angle can be analyzed with the following command: -tsel 1 15 52 -angle -pdb plb.min.pdb md1.dcd
The angle is defined between the center of mass of residues 1 (at the beginning of the cytoplasmic
helix), 15 (at the hinge region), and 52 (at the end of the transmembrane helix.
Analyze the results for both dielectric profiles and compare.