* Equilibration to allow solvent to equilibriate around the RNA * Minimization and 20 ps NVT simulation with heavy atoms of the RNA * harmonically constrained. * faster on ! identifiers set id1 rr_sol set id2 rr_equil set top $CHARMMDATA set out output ! cell parameters set a 55.8562 set b 41.9526 set c 37.8237 ! 1: topology ! 2: parameter ! 3: cutim ! 4: cutnb ! 5: ctonnb ! 6: ctofnb ! 7: electrostatic cutoff regime (shift or switch) ! 8: electrostatic pairing method (atom or group) ! 9: VDW pairing method (vatom or vgroup) ! VDW cutoff regime is vwsitch set 1 @top/top_all27_na.rtf set 2 @top/par_all27_na.prm set 3 12.0 ! cutim set 4 12.0 ! cutnb set 5 8.0 ! ctonnb set 6 10.0 ! ctofnb set 7 switch set 8 atom set 9 vatom ! read topology and parameters open unit 9 read form name @1 read rtf card unit 9 open unit 9 read form name @2 read para card unit 9 open unit 20 read form name @out/@id1.psf read psf cards unit 20 open unit 20 read form name @out/@id1.crd read coor cards unit 20 crystal define orthorhombic @a @b @c 90. 90. 90. crystal build noper 0 cutoff @3 !kappa should be optimized based on the value of !kappa at which the 1st derivative of the energy !with respect to kappa goes to 0.0 set kap 0.36 set ord 6 !fftx dimensions should correspond to 1 A or less; must !be power of 2, 3 or 5 update inbfrq -1 imgfrq -1 ihbfrq 0 - ewald pmewald kappa @kap fftx 64 ffty 64 fftz 64 order @ord - @7 @8 @9 vfswitch cutimg @3 cutnb @4 ctofnb @6 ctonnb @5 !turn on image centering of solvent image byres xcen 0.0 ycen 0.0 zcen 0.0 - sele resn tip3 .or. resn sod .or. resn cl end ! harmonic constraints on all dna heavy atoms cons harm force 5.0 mass sele segid rna1:rna2 end shake bonh para ! minimize for initial 200 steps with constraints mini SD nstep 200 nprint 5 set g 0 ! open files for restart, trajectory and energies open unit 31 write form name @out/@id2.rst open unit 32 write unfo name @out/@id2.trj ! molecular dynamics, hot start dyna leap strt nstep 100 timestep 0.002 ntrfrq 50 - iprfrq 50 ieqfrq 50 inbfrq -1 imgfrq -1 ihbfrq 0 - iunrea -1 iunwri 31 iuncrd 32 kunit -1 - nprint 50 nsavc 5000 isvfrq 500 - firstt 300.0 finalt 300.0 twindh 2.0 twindl 2.0 - iasors 0 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 ichecw 1 iseed 37987473 open unit 20 write form name @out/@id2.crd write coor cards unit 20 * RNA harmonically constrained and equilibrated * @1 * @2 * open unit 20 write form name @out/@id2.pdb write coor pdb unit 20 * RNA harmonically constrained and equilibrated * @1 * @2 * stop