* calculate rms differences with respect to the NMR structure * faster on ! identifiers set id1 rr_sol set id2 rr set top $CHARMMDATA set psfcrd ../output !directory where psf and crd files exist set trjdir ../output ! directory for the trajectories ! 1: topology ! 2: parameter set 1 @top/top_all27_na.rtf set 2 @top/par_all27_na.prm ! read topology and parameters open unit 9 read form name @1 read rtf card unit 9 open unit 9 read form name @2 read para card unit 9 open unit 10 read form name @psfcrd/@id1.psf read psf cards unit 10 open unit 10 read form name @psfcrd/@id1.crd read coor cards unit 10 coor copy comp open unit 11 write form name @id2.rms set t 1.0 ! time set begin 100 set stop 5000 set skip 100 calc time = @begin * 0.002 calc stime = @skip * 0.002 calc time_max = @nstep * 0.002 set trajs 1 set traji 1 set trajf 3 set unit 13 set trajn 0 label trj_loop open unit @unit unform read name @trjdir/@id2_prod_@trajs.trj calc trajs = @trajs + @traji calc trajn = @trajn + @traji calc unit = @unit + 1 if @trajs le @trajf goto trj_loop traj iread 13 nread @trajn nskip @skip begin @begin stop @stop label rms_loop traj read coor orient rms sele (segid RNA1 .and. resid 2:9 .and. .not. hydrogen) - .or. (segid RNA2 .and. resid 2:9 .and. .not. hydrogen) show end write title unit 11 * @time ?rms * calc time = @time + @stime if time le @time_max goto rms_loop stop